English, asked by vicneyaf2034, 3 months ago

The sky ____________[1] [is] overcast with heavy black clouds and a high wind _________[2] [begin] to blow, filling the air with dust and dry leaves. It was one of those rare occasions when even nature ____________ [3] [take] a hand in a human fight. Very soon it began to rain. It __________ [4] [come] down in large sharp drops and was accompanied by the lightning and thunder which mark a change of season. Agnes_________________[5] [is try] hard not to think of her two grandsons. But she __________________ [6] [know] she was now fighting a losing battle. She __________________ [7] [try] to hum a favourite hymn but the pattering of large raindrops on the roof ________________ [8] [break] up the tune.


Answered by gibyimmanuel


1. was

2. began

3. took

4. came

5. was trying

6. knew

7. tried


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