The sky was overcast with dark clouds. It was your first day at your uncle's place in the hills.........complete the story in 80 - 170 words.
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A cloud. (Obs.) "(A wind) that blew so hideously and high, That it ne lefte not a sky In all the welkin long and broad."
Hence, a shadow. (Obs.) "She passeth as it were a sky."
The apparent arch, or vault, of heaven, which in a clear day is of a blue color; the heavens; the firmament; sometimes in the plural. "The Norweyan banners flout the sky."
The wheather; the climate. "Thou wert better in thy grave than to answer with thy uncovered body this extremity of the skies." Note: Sky is often used adjectively or in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, sky color, skylight, sky-aspiring, sky-born, sky-pointing, sky-roofed, etc.
Hence, a shadow. (Obs.) "She passeth as it were a sky."
The apparent arch, or vault, of heaven, which in a clear day is of a blue color; the heavens; the firmament; sometimes in the plural. "The Norweyan banners flout the sky."
The wheather; the climate. "Thou wert better in thy grave than to answer with thy uncovered body this extremity of the skies." Note: Sky is often used adjectively or in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, sky color, skylight, sky-aspiring, sky-born, sky-pointing, sky-roofed, etc.
I wanted a story
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The sky was overcast, it seemed like it would rain anytime. The air was very cold and i shivered as i entered my uncle's small little cottage. It was cozy and warm. "Its not much, but its home" my uncle said as he greeted me with a big warm hug. "Its so cold out there" I said as i rubbed my shoulders with my hands. "Go take a warm shower as i get you something to eat. Might've been a long journey" said my uncle. "You bet" I said as I headed towards the shower. As i undressed, i saw this shadow. It looked like a huge beast with wings. Terrified I took a step back. There it was, again. As if on cue, it suddenly started raining with thunder and lightning. I gave out a huge shriek and my uncle came running towards me. "Are you ok? What happened?" He asked with visible fear in his eyes. "" i stammered. "Monster?" My uncle echoed. "THERE IT IS!!" I screamed as I saw the shadow and held on to my uncle. He started laughing hard. I looked at him as if he were bonkers. "HAHA My child, be not afraid. That is my good old Sabrina. She's my pet eagle. Since its about to rain, she probably wants to come in" He said as he opened the window for her. Still scared i held on to my uncle's hand. Little did I know, that Sabrina would be the one I'd miss the most when i left.
Hope this helps :)
Hope this helps :)
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