The soil texture of forest and mountainous soil varies according to the mountain environment where they are found.Explain with examples.
See first of all mountain are found at different altitude and also on leeward or windward side
on the windward side of eastern ghats alluvial soil is found in more it receives heavy rainfall
laterite soil is found in more of leeward side of eastern and western ghats due to less raini
I hope u understand ❤
Soil is a limited resource that has a crucial role in sustaining ecosystem services
and human life, and ensuring environmental stability and agricultural productivity.
It is essential for life on Earth as it provides nutrients, water and minerals to plants
and trees and is home to an infinite array of insects, bacteria and small animals.
Soil, the top layer of the Earth’s surface, is produced by the weathering of rocks,
mainly due to temperature, precipitation and wind, and consists of minerals,
gases, organic matter and micro-organisms.
Soil also has the capacity to retain water – absorb it, filter it and, in turn, improve
its resilience to floods and droughts. More carbon is found in the world’s soils than
in the combination of the atmosphere and all plants, which indicates the crucial
role that healthy soils have in storing carbon and reducing emissions therefore
contributing to mitigating climate change.