Physics, asked by hetviviradiya546, 1 year ago

The solar two solar-thermal power project near daggett, california


Answered by NanduReloaded

In 1995 Solar One was converted into Solar Two, by adding a second ring of 108 larger 95 m² (1,000 ft²) heliostats around the existing Solar One, totaling 1926 heliostats with a total area of 82,750 m² (891,000 ft²). This gave Solar Two the ability to produce 10 megawatts—enough to power an estimated 7,500 homes.[1] Solar Two used molten salt, a combination of 60% sodium nitrate and 40% potassium nitrate, as an energy storage medium instead of oil or water as with Solar One. This helped in energy storage during brief interruptions in sunlight due to clouds.[1] The molten salt also allowed the energy to be stored in large tanks for future use such as night time—Solar Two had sufficient capacity to continue running for up to three hours after the sun had set. Solar Two was decommissioned in 1999.

In 2001, the University of California, Davis, received funding to convert it into an air Cherenkov telescope for measuring gamma rays hitting the atmosphere. The first astronomical observations were in the fall of 2004, and the last were in November 2005[2] This project was named C.A.C.T.U.S..[3]The facility was operated by the University of California, Davis but owned by Southern California Edison.[2]

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