The stamen of Cycadofilicales in
which the microsporangia were
borne within a cup-like structure
formed at the end of a naked
( Express in one word )
Fossil Gymnosperms: Class # 1.
Cycadopsida: Order-Pteridospermales (Cycadofilicales):
The Ptieridospermae or the Cycadofilicales are fossilized plants that first appeared in the upper Devonian. They were very common throughout the Carboniferous and extended upto Permian strata. After the Permian they began to decline and disappeared altogether.
It is in the early Devonian rocks that the members of some very primitive type of land plants disappeared. These plants were probably the simplest pteridophytes.
Fossil Gymnosperms: Class # 1.
Cycadopsida: Order-Pteridospermales (Cycadofilicales):
The Ptieridospermae or the Cycadofilicales are fossilized plants that first appeared in the upper Devonian. They were very common throughout the Carboniferous and extended upto Permian strata. After the Permian they began to decline and disappeared altogether.
It is in the early Devonian rocks that the members of some very primitive type of land plants disappeared. These plants were probably the simplest pteridophytes.