The stem of hyacinth plant is filled with other.(true/false)
Jumman Sheikh and Alagu Chowdhury were good friends. i. Although Jumman and Alagu shared different religious beliefs, their thoughts were similar. How far do you agree with this statement?
a) Conidia are asexually produced spores that are borne on the conidiophores which is a specialized hyphal structure present in fungi like Penicillium.
b) Water Hyacinth propagates by offsets. An offset is a short thick runner like the branch which produces a new plant at its tip. The offsets grow in all directions from the main stem of the parent plant.
c) Bryophyllum is multiplied vegetatively by buds present in the leaves. The leaves of the Bryophyllum has the notch which when falls on the moist soil, germinates into flower. The notch is meristematic in nature which has the potential to germinate into the new plant which has adventitious roots.
d) Bulbils are the small bulb-like structure which is mainly present in the axil of leaf and stem. Agave bears bulbil which falls on the ground and forms a new plant. It is present in the axil of bracts in agave. Bulbils are considered as modified vegetative and floral buds which stores food and also helps in vegetative propagation of the plants.
So, the correct answer is option B.