The story, 'The Lady or the Tiger'? is a study of human-------
As is the case with many short stories, Frank Stockton's "The Lady or the Tiger?" does not have a single theme, but rather describes a human situation which one can investigate thematically in many ways.
The story sets up an artificial dilemma by means of creation of a fictional world. This dilemma is one in which the Princess is being asked whether she would prefer to see her beloved die or married to someone else. Thus one key theme of the story is the relationship between love and jealousy.
While some people see love as by nature selfless and self-sacrificing, others see it as possessive and selfish. What makes the story interesting is the way it ends right before the Princess makes her choice. This makes us speculate about what choice she would have made and makes us think about what our own choices would be in such a situation.