the teacher shoult use new methods in order to motivate the learners towards his teaching process who said this ?
the teacher should use new methods in order to motivate the learners towards his teaching process who said this ?
There are some new methods by which it will motivate the learners to get attracted towards the learning process:
It has three categories:
a. There are some average student present in the class then if we ask them some easy question then it will easy for them to answer the question with full of confidence therefore it will attract them towards the studies as well as learning.
b. There are some intelligent student present in the class so if any tricky question is asked to them then they with their help of intelligence level will try to solve the question
c. Interaction of the teacher ans student is must.
2. Studies should be done by discussion method.
3. Every subject should have a role play involved in it
4. Studies should be more interesting in the form of game.