Economy, asked by laibafarid084, 3 months ago

the Three fundamental economics problem of what, how and by whom they solved?


Answered by avabooleav



The existence of scarcity creates the basic economic problem faced by every society, rich or poor: how to make the best use of limited productive resources to satisfy human needs and wants. To solve this basic problem, every society must answer these three basic

Answered by harishupret22


The present economy is run in natural process; while the present human social system is already evolved into manmade system. Due to the natural law that natural process cause destructive effect on manmade structure, our economy is in intrinsic contradiction by its process and system. Therefore, there is intrinsically no solution for the problems in our economy in its present process --- system arrangement.

The present economic process serves no meaningful purpose but wasting the limited material value that cut off the way human can reach endless future.


Due to this fundamental contradiction, there are more wrongs deduced:

Economic purpose wrong:

the purpose of economy should be serving the human final goal --- eternal existence, but it is aimed to satisfy the unlimited present human material needs and wants.

Value theory wrong:

Materia value is limited and it cannot be created by human activities but only can be consumed and destroyed. This limited amount of material value have to be used to support the next 1.2 billion years of the geothermal and eco systems life span and conditions to allow evolution level reach the necessary level to connect us into endless future, but not for any other purpose.

Process wrong:

The present economy is run in natural process; while the present human social system is already evolved into manmade system. Due to the natural law that natural process cause destructive effect on manmade structure, our economy is in intrinsic contradiction by its process --- system relation. Therefore, there is intrinsically no solution for the problems in our economy in its present system arrangement. Natural process is a closed process which caps evolution at the point of intelligence --- this process has to be separated from us and replace it by rational process, which only, can connect us into an open process to reach endless future --- eternal existence.


We need a totally different economy, directed by a totally different economics, for totally different purpose: rational process run economy in rational social system for human final goal --- human race endless future.

For this purpose, human have to survive and evolve on the earth for the next 1.2 billion years. And for that our economic activities (material conversion and consumption) have to suit that goal. Therefore we have to minimize material conversion (or call it “production”) and consumption and everyone have to live a simple, natural, scientific and healthy life style. A scientific and humane one child policy has to be applied in a rational process run rational social system.

In this new economy, business, employment, production and consumption growth, money earning, competition are all unnecessary, the moral and beneficial life for individuals are the material consumption minimized and mental production maximized mode of living --- simple, natural, scientific and healthy life style. It is a relaxed, cosy, uncompetitive but surprisingly productive in mental products.

In this social system, there is no oppression, no competition, no war, no poverty, no wastage, no hatred, no discrimination, and more importantly --- this process lead to endless future for human being beyond earth and solar system life span.

An intelligent life should not accept limited future (which actually is no future at all but an evolution waste waiting to be recycled by nature), it is not necessary --- rational intelligent life can achieve endless future.

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