The _tools helps in selecting small parts of an object present on the stage.
Tool Icon Description
Selection Tool (V) Use this tool to select an entire object. Click or drag an object to enclose object with rectangular selection.
Subselection Tool (A) Use this tool to reshape a motion path of an animation. You can expose the control points and Bezier handles on the path that correspond to each position property keyframe.
Lasso Tool (L) Use this tool to create an irregular selection outline on an object.
Polygon Tool (L) Use this tool to define a selection area with a series of connected straight lines. To pick up this tool, keep the Lasso tool selected and click the Polygon Tool.
Magic Wand Tool (L) Use this tool to select areas of a bitmap graphic that contain the same or similar colors. To pick up this tool, keep the Lasso tool selected and click the Magic Wand
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