The Top Glove industry increases the salary of their workers in the proportion 14:15 and reduces the number of workers employed in the ratio 9:8. What will be the approximate difference in the total salary outgo if it was previously $1796?
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Solution :-
Let us assume that,
→ Original salary of workers = $ 14x
→ Increased salary = $ 15x
→ Original number of workers = 9y
→ Reduced workers = 8y .
→ Initial salary = 14x * 9y = $ 126xy
→ New salary = 15x * 8y = $ 120xy
→ 126xy = 1796
→ xy = (1796/126)
→ Difference (126xy - 120xy) = 6xy = 6 * (1796/126) = (1796/21) ≈ $ 85.52 (Ans.)
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