The variation in temperature throughout the day in a desert town was studied on the basis of the records of the
maximum and minimum temperatures which were 36 and 8 degree centigrade respectively. What was the
standard deviation in degree centigrade?
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Step-by-step explanation:
Modeling maximum daily temperature using a varying coefficient regression model
Han Li; Xinwei Deng; Dong-Yum Kim; Eric P. Smith
Relationships between stream water and air temperatures are often modeled using linear or nonlinear regression methods. Despite a strong relationship between water and air temperatures and a variety of models that are effective for data summarized on a weekly basis, such models did not yield consistently good predictions for summaries such as daily maximum temperature...
On the impacts of computing daily temperatures as the average of the daily minimum and maximum temperatures
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Villarini, Gabriele; Khouakhi, Abdou; Cunningham, Evan
Daily temperature values are generally computed as the average of the daily minimum and maximum observations, which can lead to biases in the estimation of daily averaged values. This study examines the impacts of these biases on the calculation of climatology and trends in temperature extremes at 409 sites in North America with at least 25 years of complete hourly records. Our results show that the calculation of daily temperature based on the average of minimum and maximum daily readings leads to an overestimation of the daily values of 10+ % when focusing on extremes and values above (below) high (low) thresholds. Moreover, the effects of the data processing method on trend estimation are generally small, even though the use of the daily minimum and maximum readings reduces the power of trend detection ( 5-10% fewer trends detected in comparison with the reference data).
Operational forecasting of daily temperatures in the Valencia Region. Part I: maximum temperatures in summer.
Step-by-step explanation:
hope this can be divided by n-1 in that case it will be nearly 19