English, asked by runubalanayak3112, 8 months ago

The villagers are very diligent. You praised them so much.
(Use who )


Answered by Hurricane1315


The answer . . .


Who were very diligent? Who praised them so much?

Answered by madhusudan8818


Step 1: Draw a circle of any radius.

Step 2: Bisect the circle horizontally (that is, draw a horizontal line AB which passes through the centre of the circle and as well joins two points on the circumference). Thereby, you have divided the circle into two equal parts (two semicircles).

Step 3: Bisect the circle vertically (that is, draw a vertical line CD which passes through the centre of the circle and as well joins two points on the circumference). Thereby, you have divided the circle into four equal parts (four quadrants).

Step 4: With the same radius you used for step 1, put your compasss needle at point B. Draw one arc above (after) point B and another one below (below) the point, to cross the circumference of the circle at two different points.

Steps 5, 6 and 7: Repeat the procedure in step 4, by putting your compass needle in turn at points C, A and D in order to get 12 points on the circumference of the circle. (trisection of angle 90 degrees).

Step 8: Join all opposite points on the circumference of the circle with a line (a diagonal) passing through the centre. At the end of this procedure, the circle has been divided into twelve equal parts. The value of each angle is 30 degrees (360 degrees/12 = 30 degrees).

An angle at a point measures 360 degrees (that is a complete revolution), therefore you need to bisect each angle in the last procedure to get 24 equal parts (360 degrees/24 = 15 degrees).

To bisect any angle:

Step 9: Place your compass needle at the vertex of the angle, with any radius draw an arc across the two sides of the angle.

Increase the radius you used in the last step by stretching your compass needle just a little bit.

Step 10: Put your compass needle at a point where the arc intersects one of the sides of the angle, and construct an arc.

Step 11: Place your compass needle at the other point where the arc intersects the other side of the angle, and construct another arc.

The two arcs must intersect at a point.

Step 12: Draw a straight line joining the vertex of the angle to the point of intersection of the two arcs. This line must bisect the angle into equal parts.

Step 13 to the last Step: Repeat the procedure for bisecting any angle for the remaining eleven angles in order to divide the circle into 24 equal parts.

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