English, asked by ananyagiri15apr2009, 3 months ago

The word ' a certain man' refer to symbolism. Explain how it is a symbolism​


Answered by naren96

Symbolism is the practice or art of using an object or a word to represent an abstract idea. An action, person, place, word, or object can all have a symbolic meaning.

When an author wants to suggest a certain mood or emotion, he can also use symbolism to hint at it, rather than just blatantly saying it. Let's explore some examples of symbolism in the arts and our everyday lives.

1) Symbolic Colors:

Symbolism is often found in colors:

Black is used to represent death or evil.

White stands for life and purity.

Red can symbolize blood, passion, danger, or immoral character.

Purple is a royal color.

Yellow stands for violence or decay.

Blue represents peacefulness and calm.

2) Symbolic Objects:

Everyday objects are often used to symbolize something else:

A chain can symbolize the coming together of two things.

A ladder can represent the relationship between heaven and earth or ascension.

A mirror can denote the sun but, when it is broken, it can represent an unhappy union or a separation.

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