The work done under special condition & requires sanction and performed to rectify heavy damage is.... a)Routine Maintenance b) Special Maintenance c) Remedial Maintenance d) Corrective Maintenance
Architects prepare designs for construction
of buildings, monuments , etc. estimate cost
and co-ordinate functional and
organisational details for execution. Collect
information about requirements and type(s)
of buildings to be constructed, available
funds, special features desired, if any, etc.
and record points for consideration . Prepare
designs and estimate cost. Prepare detailed
drawing either themselves or get them
prepared by draughtsmen (Architectural) to
specified scale showing location of buildings
on site, plan and submit them to competent
authorities. Draw up specifications
regarding flooring finish , architectural
features etc . estimate quantities of materials
required and other details and indicate them
in drawing for correct execution of plan .
May guide , supervise and inspect
construction work from time to time to
ensure execution according to plan. May
consult engineer and specialist and get light
and power fittings, sanitary fittings etc. done
by them. May specialize in landscape
architecture. May approve payment on
correct execution of work. Town Planner
designs layout and coordinates development
of towns, cities and colonies, taking into
consideration various aspects such as
financial resources, areas, location of
residential industries, schools, parks etc.
Conducts town planning survey of specified
area for designing layout. Collects data from
State Governments, Municipal Corporation
and other sources.
I hope this is helpful for you and please give brainlist answer.