English, asked by sanskritikewat97, 9 months ago

There are several causes of worries. The fast-paced and complicated lifestyle that most people are leading today contributes largely to our anxieties. Shortages, fears, competitions, dissatisfaction - everything adds to the burden on our minds. Some of these factors may be uncontrolled but most of them are within our control.

This was the basis that laid the foundation-stone of the modern psychosomatic treatment. As children, we have heard the famous quotation: "A healthy mind in a healthy body." One has just to alter the saying a little, to fit in the modern times- "A healthy body depends on a healthy mind". Emotions like futility, frustration, anxiety, worry, fear, despair, defeat, etc. are negative emotions. These affect much our mental as well as physical health. Worry especially creates a very high degree of tension. Many a time we find ourselves unable to concentrate due to worries. Only a cool and worriless mind functions normally and to its capacity.


Q. (i) Mention any two causes of worries.

Q. (ii) What are the negative emotions?

Q. (i) How do worries affect our health?


Answered by rayhan13345


Uhh! Wut


Can you stop it

otherwise there is a dragon

he will fire you up

Answered by deeptibalasahu74


(i) Shortages, fears, competitions, dissatisfaction are the causes of worries.

(ii) Emotions like futility, frustration, anxiety, worry, fear, despair, defeat, etc. are negative emotions.

(iii) Worries affect much our mental as well as physical health.

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