English, asked by alamkhan81, 5 months ago

They've probably never patched blue jeans,
Mama's Hands
Or had worn ol' socks to darn.
They've never touched a young'n,
Nor caressed a fevered head;
With hands so gently folded,
All night beside his bed.
About the
Have you ever looked closely at your mother's hands? Are they soft, smooth
and silky, or are they rough, callused and chapped because of all the work
she does around the house? Read this sensitive poem to find out what a
blessing it is to have a loving mother...
They've never scrubbed a kitchen floor,
Or done dishes every day;
They've never guided with those hands
A child who's lost the way.
I saw you hide your hands in line,
Behind that lady fair;
I noticed, too, hers soft and white
Immaculate from care.
But Ma, I say, it's no disgrace
To have workin' hands like you;
And had she lived the life you have,
She'd have hands just like it, too.
They've never made a Christmas gift,
Shaped by a lovin' hand;
They've never peeled apples,
Nor vegetables they've canned.
They've never worn a blister
Or had calluses to show;
For all they've done for others,
And the kindnesses I know.
But her hands have never hauled in wood,
Or worked in God's good earth;
They've never felt the bitter cold,
Or chopped ice for waitin' stock.
They've never doctored sick ones,
Or dressed a horse's hock;
They've never pulled a hip-locked calf,
Or packed water to the barn.
iloon and tidy; hauled : dragged or pulled with a lot of effort, sta
all the middle joint of the hind leg o Ward Bank
So you see, my dearest Mama-
Yours are hands of love;
And I bet the Lord will notice
When he greets you from above.
-Tommy Jo Casteel


Answered by prajwalchaudhari


They've never touched a young'n,

Nor caressed a fevered head;

With hands so gently folded,

All night beside his bed.

About the


Have you ever looked closely at your mother's hands? Are they soft, smooth

and silky, or are they rough, callused and chapped because of all the work

she does around the house? Read this sensitive poem to find out what a

blessing it is to have a loving mother...

They've never scrubbed a kitchen floor,

Or done dishes every day;

They've never guided with those hands

A child who's lost the way.

I saw you hide your hands in line,

Behind that lady fair;

I noticed, too, hers soft and white

Immaculate from care.

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