Hindi, asked by pritishghana1, 6 months ago

धरती का सौंदर्य किनके कारण बना हुआ है​


Answered by agrawalm02


पृथ्वी की सुन्दरता पेड़ और पौधों के कारण है। पक्षी और पक्षी, और स्वच्छता भी

pritishghana1: Thanks
agrawalm02: welcome
Answered by lucifer1109


  • Once you start going to school you are given many subjects to learn. Just to name a few: History, Science, Math and a few other subjects as well as English. And as you’re going through elementary and high school into college you are learning about all of these subjects. Most people view the difficult subject by the amount of homework given or even by the amount of time spent learning it. English is in a category all its own. Without English none of the other subjects would even exist on paper.
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