. This is not a quality of summer clothes.दिस इज नॉट अ क्वालिटी ऑफ समर क्लॉथस और स्वीट कूलिंग इफेक्ट लाइट कलर्ड रिंकल फ्री
Class 9
>>Matter in Our Surroundings
>>Evaporation - Factors and Effects in Daily Life
>>What type of clothes should...

What type of clothes should we wear in summer?
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We should wear cotton clothes and light coloured clothes in summers. We sweat a lot in summers. Cotton is a good absorber of water. Thus, it absorbs sweat from our body and exposes the sweat to the atmosphere, making its evaporation faster. During this evaporation, particles on the surface of the sweat gain energy from our body surface, making the body cool. Further light coloured clothes are poorer absorber of heat and would be better for summer.
The key to this answer is evaporation and the property of evaporation that it causes cooling. Link evaporation to the types of clothes.
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it is made of wool