English, asked by muralik2000, 7 months ago

this is worth 100 points Question from the story beggar , what do you think were lushkoffs feelings about skvortsoff through the story ? did they change from the beginning to the end of the story? answer in detail . only answer in detail or else i will report your answer


Answered by 217him217

In the initial part of the story Lushkoff comes across as a characterless lazy moron who wants easy life.

He begs for food because he doesn’t want to work.

Skvortsoff tries to make him work by offering him a wood chopping job.

His cook Olga cries everyday because Lushkoff never chops even a single piece of wood.

Lushkoff is a smart liar who resorts to many tricks to save himself from work. He cares little for the old cook and there is no change in his lethargical attitude.

The character of Lushkoff shines at the end of this story when he changes completely and surprises Skvortsoff.

We see a different shade of Lushkoff who is proud of his work. He shows gratitude for the old woman Olga whose tears forced him to change.

Answered by Anonymous


The beggar

  • In this story there is a beggar named lushkoff who was a person from a band nut was sent away due to his drinking habits
  • So lushkoff was trying to cheat others by creating stories and was trying to get money.And got caught by the judge
  • So he asked lushkoff to work for him and so he did(chopping woods)
  • And after sometime the judge gave lushkoff some advice and gave him a letter and asked him to give it to his friends
  • So lushkoff also did what he said
  • And finally he one day the judge went to see a movie and he saw lushkoff asking for a ticket,and was so Happy.
  • So the state of lushkoff from a beggar has changed

\huge{\mathfrak{\orange{hope\; it\; helps}}}

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