This may
sering on earth is rather like
being the bottom of a sea,
hundereds of miles deep
without the atmosphere there would ne
of animals
buds or fules, beer, of plants -There would bene
weather, wind sain.
Read the following pairs of sentences carefully and answer the
questions given below them.
a) The judge was completely disinterested.
b) The judge was completely uninterested.
Which of the two is a good judge?
2. a) My husband likes beer more than I.
b) My husband likes beer more than me.
Which of the two might be grounds for divorce?
3. a) In the theatre there were five people beside me.
b) In the theatre there were five people besides me,
Which of the two suggests that there were only six people in the theatre?Read the following pairs of sentences carefully and answer the
questions given below them.
a) The judge was completely disinterested.
b) The judge was completely uninterested.
Which of the two is a good judge?
2. a) My husband likes beer more than I.
b) My husband likes beer more than me.
Which of the two might be grounds for divorce?
3. a) In the theatre there were five people beside me.
b) In the theatre there were five people besides me,
Which of the two suggests that there were only six people in the theatre?
a) The dog smells bad.
b) The dog smells badly.
Which of the two dogs is definitely not a blood-hound?
a) The dog smells bad.
b) The dog smells badly.