English, asked by bhatianupama4, 8 months ago

Ticuu e passaye taieruly dilu
piele ile slalements that TONOW (Q4-U13).-
I have a phenomenal memory for faces. There is no doubt of that. The only thing is that I can never remember the names
that go with them. Why only the other day, I raised my hand to say hello to a distinguished looking man and I thought
"My Bank Manager ..... My broker? I had to go and ask him. I am Rajesh, your next door neighbor, Mr. Sharma, he said
rather acidly. It was due to this awful memory for names that something unpleasant befell me not too long ago.
It was a Friday evening and I was in the train on my way home. It was not my regular train, for I had been kept late at
work and when we got to Anandnagar, a stop before mine, there were only two of us in the compartment. I am a
Swaminagar man and I had definitely seen this fellow's face there. But his name completely eluded me. It was most
irritating. Who the devil was he?
I am not a difficult person, so I began to talk in a very chatty manner. He was somewhat uncommunicative and certainly
gave nothing away. I was utterly stumped. I could see that he was rather worn out.
Is this your regular train? I asked hopefully. It usually works in my experience. "Not as a rule" he said. That was all, well
that certainly told me a lot. Even my comments on weather had no effect. I thought what a frightful bore this fellow must
be and in the end, I gave up. As we were coming to Swaminagar, he was snoozing. Now I am not a spiteful fellow, so I
gave him a pat. "Swaminagar, old chap!" "Thanks”, he said with a smile. Outside the station, it was pelting with rain and
the wind was hard. It was freezing cold too. "Listen," I said to him. "Why don't I give you a lift home if you live on the new
estate ?" "I would appreciate that very much," he replied. I fetched my car from the parking lot and he got in with "Many
thanks". He said no more till we were well across the heath. Then, all of a sudden he turned to me and said "Okay, pull up
here." "Here?" I queried. There was not a house in sight and the weather was shocking. Anyway I pulled up. The only thing
I could remember after that was something thumping down hard on my head. I passed out. When I came to, I found my
head pounding, my car gone and my pockets empty. I tumbled into the police station to make a report. Here on the
station wall was the picture of my assailant. I had walked past it for the last seven days.
I knew I had seen the face before. The police wanted him for armed robbery. I looked at the name underneath the face.
the fact I will never forget. It was-err-it was-oh, brother! I can never remember names.
faces but not for​


Answered by gurudagar061


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