time table for class 9 dull boy for beginning of his topper life
Hello mate....
Set your time table in your way ... The time which u feel better for study . Never do more activities in study time . After some days u feel more interest in study and u can top .....!!!! Never get pressurised to set time table according to anyone else.....!!!!
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ok this is similar to my story of 9 th std
as i got only 69 percent in 8 and after a year got 85 percent in 9 (ya i know this is average score but it is great for a average boy)
My routine
in morning i usually solve maths 1hour
then prepare for my school
then i go to school and came back from at 3.00 pm
in night i usually study according to my target
and after dinner i complete ny assignments and go to sleep
key points
- always prefer ncert first
- make ur own notes rather than school notes
- do target based study not time based
- solve at 10 question of mathematics daily
- at the end solve sample paper
this tricks are enough getting more than 80 but never compromise with enjoyments this is last years of our golden life