. To put data into a processor, we need ______________ device
A motherboard is the primary printed circuit board (PCB) in general-purpose computers and other extensible systems. The terms mainboard, main circuit board, mb, mboard, backplane board, base board, system board, and logic board are also used to describe it. It offers connectors for numerous peripherals, maintains and permits communication between many of the crucial electronic components of a system, such as the storage and information - processing unit, and offers connections for various peripherals (CPU). In contrast to a backplane, a motherboard frequently houses important sub-systems such the central CPU, input/output and memory controllers for the chipset, interface connectors, and other parts that are integrated for general usage.
We require a _____________ device in order to input data into a processor.
[A]. Motherboard
[B]. Input
[C]. Output
Find the right answers to the following questions that has been asked.
The answer is option (A). motherboard
The motherboard serves as the backbone of the computer, connecting all of its parts and enabling communication between them. None of the components of the computer, including the hard disc, GPU, and CPU, could interact without it. The motherboard of a computer must be in perfect working order for it to operate properly.
The motherboard is the primary part of the computer system that connects the other parts so that they can work together to carry out various activities and operations.
Most motherboards have at least one processor socket, which allows your CPU to interface with other important parts. These include peripherals installed in expansion slots as well as memory (RAM), storage, and other hardware, including both internal and external hardware like GPUs.
input device are used to receive input in the form of user of raw data
hope this answer help you