To study the various factors on which terminal resistance or emf of cell depends investigatory project
E.m.f of cell depend :
The material of the electrode .
The electrolyte use in the cell.
The shape of electrode
The distance between the electrode .
The amount electrolyte use in cell.
Terminal voltage of cell is define as work done per unit charge in carrying a positive charge around the circuit connected across the terminal of cell.
When the current is drawn from cell then the potential difference between electrode of cell is known as its terminal voltage.
Thank you
Factor affecting the internal resistance of cell:
1) Distance between electrodes : The internal resistance of a cell is directly proportional to the distance between the electrodes.
2) Effective area of electrodes: The internal resistance of a cell is inversely proportional to the effective area of the electrodes.
3) Concentration of solution: Increasing the concentration of solution the number of ions increasing in per unit volume of solution due to which the number of collision between in their mobility increases. Thus internal resistance also increases.