To/ very/deforestation/can/to be/prove/damaging/mother earth
The correct sentence is :-
Deforestation can prove to be very damaging for mother Earth
Deforestation can prove to be very damaging to mother Earth.
What is Deforestation?
The process of destroying the forest. Cutting trees in a large amount.
How Deforestation is proved to be harmful to our mother Earth?
Answer :
As we know that forest takes in Carbon Dioxide for the photosynthesis. Carbon Dioxide Gas absorbs heat from the sun and makes the surrounding warm. But if there will be less number of trees in the forest than, the Carbon Dioxide gas will remain in the air and more amount of Carbon Dioxide will also come from the chimney of the industries, vehicles, burning of fossil fuels etc. And the amount of Carbon Dioxide will be increased in the atmosphere which will be resulted in the absorption of more amount of heat and hence the surrounding will be heated more than the needs. And It will cause Global Warming.
Global Warming
The increase in temperature of the Earth more than its normal temperature.