today is Sanskrit 25 MCQs
ready for the MCQs
who is the specialist in Sanskrit will come in 25 MCQs
Sanskrit 25 MCQs in 3:00pm
some questions are NCERT and some questions are not NCERT
of class 7
which come in Sanskrit MCQs
7th ruchira chapter 1 सुभाषितानि
chapter 2 दुर्बुद्धि: विनश्यति
and in not Not NCERT
• उच्चारणस्थानम् वर्ण - विचार: च
• संख्यावाचक - शब्दा: (1 - 50)
* शब्द रूप - देव, सर्वनामशब्दरूप ' किम् ' (तीनों लिंगों में)
* धातुरूप - गम् व नम् (पांचो लकारों में)
यह सब आएंगे संस्कृत में
in MCQs
ready for the MCQs of Sanskrit
25 MCQs
at 3:00 p.m.
Answered by
I know all the answer
because today at 8:00am my period test of sanskrit
I am ready
yashasvi Sharma
class 7th
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