English, asked by sam0924, 1 year ago

today is the first day in the class. Express your feelings. since shuffling was done. So, all your excitement was gone into the air. Write a diary entry about 150 words ​


Answered by Sina1544

15 April, 2019

Dear Diary,

Today it was my first day of school. Last night I was so much excited for this day. I woke early in morning at 5o'clock.It was really an amazing feeling.Then I got ready for my school. My bus came at the stop and I entered in the bus. As soon as I entered the bus I was very scared. I sat with a nice girl. I starded talking with her. There I got my first frnd. Then we reached school. I was very nervous because everything was new for me. Then I got my class. When I got my class I was really very happy as well as nervous. Then I got my seat. On my left side a silent girl was sitting,I started talking with her. She was Sara. Sara introduced me to all the classmates. I was really very happy. Finally, I got my classmates.With them I ate my tiffin and we studied together. Then I was dropped by bus at my house. Today's day was the best day for me. Its unforgettable... memorable for me.......

Sina1544: Its important to write.. if not your marks are reducted
Sina1544: yes I had experienced
Sina1544: as per your wish if you want to write than its ok if not then also its ok
Sina1544: ok
Answered by sanray23


25th April, 2019

9 pm

My First day of class

It was the result day. My teacher said that class will not shuffle.

The biggest shock was when my teachers posted a picture of class list, along with the sections of students written. The class was shuffled. I was given 8th A, since I had scored 98 percent in 7th. My best friend was in 8th C. I cried a lot. It was finally the beginning of a new session, 2019-20. I reached my class. I saw students whom I never saw before. I had just 9 classmates who were from my previous class and out of them only 2 were my friends as rest were my rivals. I sat with one of mu friends. The teacher enters adn intorduces herself as Ms. Sakshi. She takes the attendance and asks for introduction of students. I felt really nervous between these students. It was my turn, I introduced myself as Alia. She knew who I was since my previous teacher had discussed with her the best students. I was indeed excited for my first class of 8th, but all excitement vanished in a matter of time. I was angry at my previous teacher for not telling about this shuffling. Thoughts roamed in my mind. "How can I become friends with them? ","How do I control my nervousness? ","How do I adjust with them?" were the thoughts disturbing me. One by one, our subject teachers intoduced themseves to us. They all seemed nice. Everything was great except for the fact that our class was shuffled. I was sad for some days. I eventually got over the sadness and now I am friends with everyone!

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