CBSE BOARD XII, asked by rajputparth286, 5 months ago

Today most of the institutions (school/college/bank etc.) have set up their own computer networks
(LAN). Visit any such institution in your neighbourhood and collect the following information:

(a) Number of computers on LAN.
(b) Is the LAN connected to Internet?
(c) What type of Internet connection is being used?​


Answered by shobhabidlan01


Keywords: Local Area Network, LAN, Network, WAN, Wide Area Network, MAN, Metropolitan Area Network, Developing Country, Communications, Communication Media.

Abstract: Networks can be defined as a collection of independent computers and other devices interconnected by a communication medium, such as coaxial cables, twisted pairs of optical fibers. Local Area Network (LAN) can be defined as a collection of computers and peripherals interconnected within a limited geographical area. This area may be one building or one campus within a few kilometers. Out of different types of Networks, LANs can be distinguished by its private ownership, its high speed, and its low error rate.

The advantages of LANs can be pointed out as

� resource sharing

� central control of equipment and data

� easy connection of equipment from different vendors

LANs have been used in developing countries to improve the library facilities in an effi-cient manner. Using these applications as examples, we can apply the LAN technology in our libraries to enhance the services in the following manner.

Application of LANs in Libraries:

� Housekeeping applications - acquisition, cataloguing, circulation control.

� Educational programmes - user education from distance and other study programmes.

� Office administration - connection to administration offices for easy access of necessary files.

� Connection with other libraries - inter library loans and electronic journals.

This paper intends to address this topic in greater length.

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