English, asked by StudiousStudent, 1 year ago

Tomorrow is my ASL. Can I please have a speech on the topic "THE ODD EVEN SCHEME FOR REDUCING POLLUTION"?


Answered by saka82411
This winter has witnessed extremely high level of pollution.Typical winterconditions--cold temperature, lower mixing height of air, calm and no-windconditions trap air and pollution. As a result, pollution builds up very quicklyand peaks.This is why winter months require tougher emergency action toreduce pollution. Weather is an important constraint in pollutionmanagement.The winter months of November and December 2015 show higher numberof days in severe category-four times thesafestandard–which istheworst category according to the National Air Quality Index. November 2015had 73%cent of days in severe category against 53%in November, 2014.December 2015 has 67%of days in severe category as against 65%inDecember 2014. December 2014 at least had 3%of days in good andsatisfactory category but December 2015 has none. There has not been asingle good air quality day this winter. On several consecutive days, thePM2.5 levelshave remained in the worst category according to the nationalair quality index.Theodd and even programmehas been implemented as an emergencyaction to arrest the high emergency peakwhen the overall pollution levelshave gone 5 to 6 times higher than the standards.This is needed to protectpublic health in a city where every third child has impaired lungs.This is also not the only action that is being taken in the city to arrestrunaway air pollution. The Supreme Court has taken firm steps to checkheavy commercial vehicles from entering Delhi; it has issued directions onenforcement of construction and road dust as well as garbage burning. TheDelhi government is also bringing action against the Badarpur ThermalPower Plant. The odd-even scheme is designed for immediate refief as ittakes off the roads almost half the private cars, which contribute to pollutionfrom their tailpile and pollution because of congestion.2.The odd-evenschemehasresulted inthe lowest pollution peakcompared to the previous highsmogepisodesthis winterThis winter out of all the severe smog episodes so far (withseveralconsecutive days in severe category) the peak pollutionduring odd andeven programmehas been the lowest. This shows that despite the hostileweather conditions-no wind, temperature dip and western disturbance, thepeak pollutionduring odd and even schemehas been much lower.Theearlier smog episodes have seen much higher peaks and much more rapidbuild up compared to the rise that happened duringthe first week ofoddand even programme.This proves reduced traffic volume has arrested thepeaking of pollution. This validates the importance of emergency actionThis simply means that at emergency levelscurrent weather condition in Delhi currently is the Western Disturbance has brought which traps pollutants but this combined with near still and no conditions means conditions are very bad for air moisture,wind quality. Similar weather conditionswith less severe conditions of nowind and moisture had lead to peaks of pollution that are alarming and hazardous for health. This we have been in this winter itself. But this time, because of the oddscheme in o even peration, the pollution peak is less and so air is less hazardous (or not as hazardous as it could have been in these conditions. This is why governments take emergency action. This is why oddnecessary in winter months, when pollution pe 2.

StudiousStudent: Thanks Friend
saka82411: OK.my friend has this ask paper.
StudiousStudent: But you've given very less info about odd-even. Will it be suitable for ASL?
saka82411: Do you need the full ask .I have it.
StudiousStudent: yes
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