English, asked by GoutamHazra, 1 year ago

Write a letter to the editor of an English daily about the evils of dowry system using the following points :-- grooms bargaining -- demands-- hardship to the girl's father -- sale of properties -- in-laws tease, etc. -- dowry must be stopped.


Answered by Sinthiya
first you have to start with the format. i hope you know the format.
i will just type the body.

I would like to draw your humble attention towards a very important matter that the women of our society are facing.
Women are considered to be the sign of goddess. We all keep on telling and writing about the rights and freedom of women but do we women really guarantee them what they are being denied?
Women are now considered to be the victims of dowry. When they get married they are asked for dowry. It has always been the groom's family who demand for dowry. After marriage, if their hunger for money has not finished , they keep on bargaining for more dowry from the girl's family. If the bride's father is not able to pay on time, the groom's family then threatens the girl by either having her beaten or by saying that she would be divorced. The father has to sell his properties for saving the marriage from breaking. The girl is often teased, tortured, forced to burn her hands.

I believe that it is highly unfair. I would request you to please bring this issue to notice of the common people as well as the authorities through the esteemed columns of your newspaper.

I shall be highly obliged of you for this help.

Yours obediently,
your name

Sinthiya: sorry for the mistakes. the beginning 9th line does not have the word 'women'
Answered by deepaksassan01



The Editor,

The Tribune,



Please permit me to pint out the evils of the dowry system that has wrecked many a meadow of married life. I shall feel grateful if you kindly spare me a column in your esteemed ‘daily’.

The evil of dowry has marred several lives. It has assumed an alarming situation in these days of soaring prices. Dowry system is curse. It is social evil. Today, no marriage is considered to be complete unless it is followed by a train of dowry. Hardy a day passes when we do not hear of a case of bride-burning here and there in the country. The poor parents of the girls heave cold sighs when the marriage-becomes a wreck.

The evil practice of dowry has given rise to many social ills. This cruel practice must be done away with. Boys and girls should come forward and take vow not to take or give dowry. Mothers should be discouraged from giving dowry. Much should not be spent on marriages. Day-marriages should be popularized. The number of guests should be limited. Strict action should be taken against the defaulters.

Let us hope that this monster of dowry is not allowed to blast the happy meadows of married life.

I request you to give a wide publicity to these views of mine.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


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