took the old man's hands and rubbed them in his own. He tenderly draped his own jacket over the old
man's shoulders. Finally, he spoke. "Pop, my name's Jack, and one of God's angels brought me this
meal. I just finished eating, and I hate to waste good food. Can you help me out?" Placing the steaming
cup of soup in the stranger's hands, he didn't wait for an answer. But he got one. "Sure son, but only if
you go halfway with me on that sandwich. It's too much for a man my age."
It wasn't easy making my way to the food court with tears blurring my vision, but I soon
returned with the largest containers of coffee and the biggest assortment of pastries possible. "Excuse
me gentlemen, but ....
My parents like yours, taught me to share, but it wasn't until that day in Union Station that I truly
learned the meaning of that word. I left the hall feeling warmer than I had ever thought possible.
(a) Given the meaning of each word as used in the passage. One word answers or short
phrases will be accepted
[3 M]
1. restored
II. plight
III. dismayed
(b) Answer the following questions in your own words :-
I. When did the tourist feel he was ready to relax? What did he plan to do then? [2 M]
What did the tourist expect the homeless person to do?
[1 M)
III. Explain what the tourist meant when he said "My head and heart were battling it out."
[2 M]
IV. Who were the angels the homeless person referred to? What had the angels done?
[2 M]
V. Why was the tourist dismayed?
[2 M]
(c) In not more than 50 words relate what the homeless man did after the "angels" visited him,
which left the narrator stunned.
[8 M]
Answered by
1 replace
2 dangerous, difficult
3 panic
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