Topic- Article writing- A school is a place where children and teachers assemble to learn from one another.
Much of children’s knowledge is derived not from their direct experiences with the environment but rather from the input of others. However, until recently, the focus in studies of concept development was primarily on children’s knowledge, with relatively little attention paid to the nature of the input. The last 10 years have seen an important shift in focus. This chapter reviews this approach, by examining the nature of the input, and the nature of the learner, to shed light on early conceptual learning. These findings argue against the simple notion that conceptual development is either supplied by the environment or innately specified, and instead demonstrate how the two work together. The implications for how children reconcile competing belief systems are also discussed.
By reorganizing, counting, and exploring– all self-directed, all derived from his own actions--the child apparently discerned basic mathematical laws. This humble yet remarkable example illustrates the power of self-directed discovery and learning. Just as Plato’s Meno argued for an intuitive grasp of the principles of geometry in the absence of any mathematical instruction, so too Piaget’s compelling example illustrates the intuitive logic and structure of the child’s untutored mind, attempting to organize experience into a coherent system.
Many years of research following on Piaget’s original insights confirm the active, self-directed nature of childhood cognition (Bruner 1973; Gopnik & Meltzoff 1997; Wellman & Gelman 1998). Moreover, having an opportunity to explore the world actively seems to have direct benefits on interactions and learning. For example, Needham et al. (2002) find that 3-month-old infants that receive special experience picking up toys with “sticky mittens” (mittens with Velcro, enabling them to pick up objects at any earlier age than they can do otherwise) show more sophisticated engagement with and exploration of objects than infants without the extra experience. Similarly, 3-month-olds with first-hand experience with reaching learn more rapidly than infants who only observe reaching (without actively engaging in this behavior; Sommerville et al. 2005). It appears, then, that children’s own actions lead to new insights (Kushnir et al. 2008). The self-directed, active nature of early learning is appropriately appreciated, emphasized, and made the focus of study.
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A School is a place where Children and Teachers assemble to learn from one another.
- By <Your Name>
Schools are known as institutions which provides education to their respective students. It is not always necessary to teach but, also to get educated. The interaction between students and teachers is wholistic approach which creates harmony and healthy teaching relationships with each other. Many times, students also help teachers with digital affairs and other errands. This creates a trust between them and also makes the student competent from others. This makes the student believe that classroom interactions and social interactions are both, equally important.