CBSE BOARD X, asked by arushrastogi, 7 months ago

TOPIC: CONSUMER AWARENESS INTRODUCTION: Consumer rights are an integral part of our lives like the consumerist way of life. We have all made use of them at some point in our daily lives. Market resources and influences are growing by the day and so is the awareness of one’s consumer rights. These rights are well defined and there are agencies like the Government, consumer courts and voluntary organizations that work towards safeguarding. While we like to know about our rights and make full use of them, consumer responsibility is an area which is still not demarcated and it is hard to spell out that all the responsibility is that a consumer is supposed to shoulder. Prepare an investigatory report on consumer awareness for Automobiles by conducting a survey of households in your locality. INSTRUCTIONS:- Present your project using the following hints:
1.Introduction: Meaning of Consumer and Consumers Rights.
2.Historical Perspectives: Consumer Movement.
3.Consumer Protection and Common Malpractices.
4.Need for Consumer Protection
. 5.Causes of Consumer Exploitation.
6.Rights of Consumers.
7.Responsibilities of Consumers.
8.Ways and Means of Consumer Protection.
9.Consumer Protection Act 1986:
10. Salient Features of Consumer Protection Act 1986.
11. Filing of Complaints.
12.Who can file a complaint?
13.What complaints can be filed?
14. Where to file a complaint?
15. How to file a complaint?
16.Consumer Courts: District forum, State Commission and National Commission.
17. Do a research work on the various institutions that provide certification for the products like- BIS, FSSAI, AGMARK, HALLMARK etc...
18..Conduct a Survey on 10 people (Consumer) about their Awareness, prepare your result in table and graph form and give interpretation also.
Content should be written as per the following headings: ●Certificate ●Acknowledgement ●Introduction of the topic ●Description in detail ● Conclusion and Bibliography OR Prepare a project file with following details: 1. The total length of the project report should not be more than 15 written pages of A-4 size sheet. 2. The project report should be handwritten and credit will be awarded to original drawings, illustrations and creative use of eco-friendly material. 3. The project report should be presented in a neatly bound simple folder. 4. The project report should be developed and presented in this order a) Cover page showing project title, student information, school and year. b) List of contents with page numbers. c) Certificate page d) Acknowledgements (acknowledging the institution, offices and libraries visited and persons who have helped). e) Chapters with relevant headings. f) Summary and conclusions based on findings. g) Bibliography: should have the Title, author, publisher and if a website the name of the website with the specific website link which has been used. Every student has to compulsorily undertake Following topic:


Answered by dhanammalrajan



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