English, asked by AbdulRehman08, 4 hours ago

Topic: Using correct verb tense
Q1: Read the story below. Fill in the blank with the correct tense of the given verb.
It was a beautiful day in Paris, lan and Kelly had been walking all day, and now they were (to
be) both very tired. They
(decide) to stop at a nearby café to have a snack. They
(look) around for a few minutes, but they couldn't find a place to eat. They did,
however, find a grocery store. "Let's
(have) a picnic! We
(buy) food
here at the store, and we will eat a meal in the park across the street,"
(suggest) lan.
(love) this idea," said Kelly. “I
(love) picnics
since 1
(to be) a little girl."
Kelly and lan
(enter) the store and
(buy) bread, cheese, chocolate, and
fruit. They
(pay) the cashier and
(exit) the building. At the park, Ian
(find) an empty bench, and they both
(sit). "What a great day!" Kelly
said. "This
(to be the best day I have ever had in Paris. This picnic food
(taste) delicious." "We
(do) this all again tomorrow," said lan. "I will
buy more food again for tomorrow's meal." "That
(sound) like a perfect plan!"
exclaimed Kelly



Answered by Equuleus

The answers by themselves:

were, decided, looked, have, can buy, suggested, love, have loved, was, entered, bought, paid, exited, found, sat, is, tastes, should do, sounds

The answers in the paragraph:

It was a beautiful day in Paris, lan and Kelly had been walking all day, and now they were both very tired. They decided to stop at a nearby café to have a snack. They  looked around for a few minutes, but they couldn't find a place to eat. They did, however, find a grocery store.

"Let's have a picnic! We can buy food here at the store, and we will eat a meal in the park across the street,"  suggested lan.

"I love this idea," said Kelly. “I have always loved picnics since I was a little girl."

Kelly and lan entered the store and bought, cheese, chocolate, and  fruit. They paid the cashier and exited the building. At the park, Ian  found an empty bench, and they both sat.

"What a great day!" Kelly  said. "This is the best day I have ever had in Paris. This picnic food  tastes delicious."

"We  should do this all again tomorrow," said lan. "I will buy more food again for tomorrow's meal."

"That  sounds like a perfect plan!" exclaimed Kelly

Hope this helped! Stay Safe & Stay Sanitized! <3

Answered by Honeycherry1976







to be







to be





I think this are the answers

mark as brainleist

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