Hindi, asked by vridhibhatia7810, 7 months ago

topics for e-mail writing


Answered by anjanap37978


Listing 2 topics for E - mail writing ( both in Hindi and English for your reference) :

-  आप पिछले कुछ दिनों से बीमार हैं और कुछ दिनों के लिए बीमार छुट्टी ले रहे हैं। कुछ और दिनों के लिए छुट्टी की अनुमति के लिए अपने अनुभाग पर्यवेक्षक को एक ई - मेल लिखें।

( You are sick for the past few days and taking sick leave for a couple of days. Write an E - mail to your section supervisor to permit leave for a few more days.)

- एक आइपॉड के बारे में कुछ प्रश्न पूछने के लिए Apple स्टोर पर एक ई - मेल लिखें, जिसे आपने दूसरे दिन खरीदा था।

( Write a E - mail to Apple store to ask some queries about an Ipod that you bought the other day. )

Answered by srilakshmichedella


1) Write an e-mail to your cousin advising him how to use the internet

2) Write an e-mail to your friend giving him some tips telling him how tojight global warming.

3) Write an e-mail to the editor of The Indian Express in about 100 words on the issue of the indiscriminate cutting of trees

4) Write an e-mail to the editor of a newspaper regarding the poor conditions of the government hospitals in Kolkata. Give your suggestions for improvement.

5) Write an e-mail to the Principal of your school requesting him to give you one week’s leave as your grandmother expired last night

6) You purchased a colour television from M/s Diamond Electronics, Bhagirath Palace, New Delhi. Since the television is now not working properly, write an e-mail to the company asking for its replacement immediately.

7) The sanitary conditions of your locality are in a bad shape. Write an e-mail to the sanitary inspector based on the hints given below :

8) Your friend wants to visit Rajasthan. Write an e-mail giving your knowledge about Rajasthan.

9) Write an email to a hotel manager to make a reservation

10) Congratulate your younger brother by email as he has won the first prize in an inter-school debate competition


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