English, asked by imran387, 23 days ago

Translate into English-
पानी है। क्या पानी है? नमक है। क्या नमक है? एक फूल है
क्या एक फूल है? एक चाकू है। क्या एक चाकू है? एक बाघ है
क्या एक बाघ है? लड़के हैं। क्या लड़के हैं? दो घोड़े हैं। क्या है
घोड़े हैं? एक राजा था। क्या एक राजा था? एक रानी थी। क्या
एक रानी थी? दूध था। क्या दूध था? क्या वहाँ दूध था? लड़क
थे। क्या लड़के थे? दो बैल (oxen) थे। क्या दो बैल थे?​


Answered by preetakaran12


It is water. Is this Water? It is salt. Is it salt? It is a flower. Is this a Flower? It is a knife. Is it a knife. It is a tiger. Is it a tiger? They are boys. Are they boys? They are 2 horses. Are they 2 horses? There was a King. Was there a king? There was a queen. Was there a queen? What milk it was? Was there milk? There were boys. Were they boys? There were two oxen. Were there two oxen?

I have worked very hard to convert them into English because sentences weren't clear.

Please mark me as brainliest


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