English, asked by surajkr4392, 9 months ago

Translate the follow uping sentences into English:(1) यह वही स्थान है जहाँ गाँधी जी पैदा हुए थे। (2) यह वही लड़का है जिसने मेरी कलम चुरायी थी। (3) मैंने एककार खरीदी जो बहुत महंगी थी। (4) यह वही किताब है जिसे मेरे पिता ने खरीदा था। (5) वह व्यक्ति जो परिश्रम करता है, सफलहो जाता है। (6) कोई भी वस्तु जो तुम चाहते हो खरीदो। (7) यही समय है जब तुम्हें पढ़ना चाहिए। (8) जो चढ़ेगा सोगिरेगा। (9) यही वह गाँव है जहाँ मैं पैदा हुआ था। (10) यही वही विद्यालय है जहाँ मैंने शिक्षा प्राप्त की थी।..​


Answered by akshrma250102

1st. This is a place where the mahatma gandhi was born.

2nd. This is exactly who stolen my pencil.

3rd. I purchased a car which was very expensive.

4th. This is exactly a book which is bought by my dad.

5th. Those people who does hard work, they always achieve the victory in anything.

6th. You can purchase anything that you want.

7th. That is a time for your study.

8th. Who climbs the hieght, they obviously fall.

9th. That is a village where I was born.

10th. That is a school where I have being educated.

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