Translate the following sentences in Sanskrit.
1) School principal is coming.
2) Mahesh will come to the school.
3) An ant is going.
4) We are reading books.
Answer: school principal is coming
Explanation: sanskar
१) विद्यालयस्य प्राचार्यः आगच्छति।
२) महेशः विद्यालयम् आगमिष्यति।
३) एकः पिपीलिका गच्छति।
४) वयं पुस्तकानि पठामः।
This module deals with the machine translation domain of natural language processing. This field of artificial intelligence is very useful in providing humans with a machine that understands the various languages spoken by ordinary people. It presents computer system users with an interface they feel more comfortable with. Since many different languages are spoken in this world, we constantly need translators to enable people speaking different languages to share ideas and communicate with each other.
India is a highly multilingual country with eighteen constitutionally recognized languages and several hundred dialects and other living languages. Although very few people understand English in India. It continues to be the de-facto connecting language for the administration and the education system. The Internet is a medium for searching information, and information is available in English on the Internet, so a translator who can translate English sentences into native languages is needed. Sanskrit acts as an interlingua for translations to and from Indian languages.
Sanskrit is essentially the language of ancient India and is considered the mother tongue from which all other Indian languages have evolved. At this time Sanskrit is a dead language. But it is recognized in the Indian Constitution of 1950 because Sanskrit is related and associated with the religion and literature of India.
Sanskrit language is used in some other states of India such as Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir and outside India in countries of the world such as UK, USA, Bangladesh, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Kenya, Fiji and Malaysia . Indo-Iranian language family. It is a historical language of India.
For translation, we decode the meaning of the source input text in its entirety, the translator must interpret and analyze the text, a process that requires deep knowledge of the grammar, semantics, syntax, idioms, etc., of the source language and the target language. . A translator needs the same depth of knowledge to re-encode the meaning in the target language.