Hindi, asked by bharatpatadia74, 3 months ago

Translate to English. अमरिका में स्वामीजी के भक्तों की संख्या दिनों-दिन बढ़ने लगी। चारों ओर जिज्ञासु उनके पास पहुँचते और अपने-अपने नगर में पधारने का अनुरोध करते । स्वामीजी को अक्सर दिनभर व्यस्त रहना पड़ता । बड़े-बड़े प्रोफेसरों और विद्वानों ने आकर उनके उपदेशों को अपने हृदय में स्थान दिया और उनका शिष्यत्त्व ग्रहण किया।​


Answered by riddhibbhoite


The number of Swamiji's devotees in America started increasing day by day. All around, the curious would reach them and request them to come to their respective cities. Swamiji often had to be busy throughout the day. Great professors and scholars came and took his teachings in their hearts and accepted his discipleship.​

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