French, asked by arpit31, 1 year ago

Translation of lecon 1 of apprenons le francais 4


Answered by Arslankincsem

The Lesson of learning french is a right translation from French.

It clearly denotes that it serves the best part in analyzing and learning quickly.

This shows right term and able to consider with best platform when learning french and translate with lesson.

This is from french and able to identify with methods taken for learning.

Answered by studarsani18018


1. Paris est aussi appelé <> car il y a beaucoup de lumière. vrai

2. Le buste de Marianne se trouve sur des timbres. vrai

3. M. Gustave Eiffel a construit la Tour Eiffel. vrai

4. L'union Européenne a quinze membres. faux

5. Le Franc est la monnaie unique européenne. faux

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