English, asked by singhharsh96169, 9 months ago

try to compose a poem for your grand parents birthday taking ​


Answered by dineshgami133


send the pic of the poem

Answered by Anonymous

Poems for Grandparents Day

Poems for Grandparents DayMany people may not know that this day exists. Some may choose to ignore it. They may think, "must we have a day for every person in the universe, when does all this day naming end?" Sadly, those people probably did not have an opportunity to develop a relationship with their grandparents. They don't understand the gifts that a grandparents can give. Grandparents can provide a sense of continuity and roots to their grandchildren. They can provide a sense that life matters, and the ability to see life within a larger context of time. Happy Grandparents Day!......

Being An Angel

Being An AngelGrandma, I wonder

Being An AngelGrandma, I wonderwhere you keep your wings.

Being An AngelGrandma, I wonderwhere you keep your wings.Are they hung in your closet

Being An AngelGrandma, I wonderwhere you keep your wings.Are they hung in your closetREAD COMPLETE POEM

featured shared story

featured shared storyOh my gosh, that story was soooooo touching. My Nana means the world to me, and she is the only one who has been there for me every day. Her warm hugs are comforting. I bet we all think that...

featured shared storyOh my gosh, that story was soooooo touching. My Nana means the world to me, and she is the only one who has been there for me every day. Her warm hugs are comforting. I bet we all think that...READ COMPLETE STORY

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