English, asked by dasishana1, 1 month ago

tv watching is bad for children paragraph​


Answered by vidyagupta567


Today, people of different races and generations become victims of TV addiction. People watch television because people want to be updated about what is happening in the world. Person wants to be aware and get connected with different people all around the globe. Nowadays, not only adults and teenagers, but also children, get hooked on television. Because of the busy world people are living in today, parents do not have time to take care and look after the children at all times anymore. Children have more freedom to do whatever children want. TV can affect kids’ health, behavior, performance in school and family life in negative ways. Watching Television is bad for children. Watching television is harmful for children’s health. Being daily in front of TV for a long time the children might develop bad habits such as giving up the physical activity which can lead to an inactive life style which will be transferred to adult life too. Children spends several free time in front of the TV instead of coming out with friends and family. Child even used to eat in front of the TV. Now, children are still watching TV all afternoon instead of going out for a walk. As a consequence the obesity will have favorable precondition to appear. Children will get several diseases.

Answered by chxcykoo


  • the children who watch TV a lot are mostly obesed and overweight
  • kids who see violent acts on TV are generally aggressive
  • watching tv can lead to a series of heart problems


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