Environmental Sciences, asked by sv0355kig, 12 hours ago

Two facts about mangroves


Answered by CreAzieStsoUl

Mangroves can be a bit salty.

Mangroves are the only species of trees in the world that can tolerate saltwater. Their strategy for dealing with otherwise toxic levels of salt? Excrete it through their waxy leaves.

Mangroves in Liberia© TROND LARSENMangroves come in a variety of sizes.

Though estimates vary, there are at least 50 — and maybe up to 110 — mangrove species, ranging in height from 2 to 10 meters, but all species feature oblong or oval-shaped leaves and share an affinity for brackish habitats.

Fish flock to mangroves.

Mangroves, specifically the underwater habitat their roots provide, offer critical nursing environments for juveniles of thousands of fish species, from 1-inch gobies to 10-foot sharks.

/FLICKRMangroves live on the edge.

Mangrove forests can be found on the saltwater coasts of 118 tropical and subtropical countries, totalling more than 137,000 square kilometers (85,000 square miles) — roughly the size of Greece or Arkansas.

The largest amount of mangrove coverage can be found in Indonesia, where mangrove trees cover some 23,000 square kilometers (about 14,000 square miles) — that’s more than twice the size of Jamaica or roughly the size of Vermont.

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Florida mangroves prefer the southern coast.

The United States has roughly 2,500 square kilometers (about 1,500 square miles) of mangroves — an area about the size of Luxembourg — located almost entirely in southern Florida.

. MITTERMEIERMangroves have (carbon) hoarding issues.

Blue carbon ecosystems (mangroves, sea grasses and salt marshes) can be up to 10 times more efficient than terrestrial ecosystems at absorbing and storing carbon long term, making them a critical solution in the fight against climate change.

OND LARSENMangroves can help keep people safe.

Mangrove forests — specifically, their thick, impenetrable roots — are vital to shoreline communities as natural buffers against storm surges, an increasing threat in a changing global climate with rising sea levels.

Mangroves are under threat nearly everywhere, but the problem is particularly acute in Myanmar, where the rate of deforestation is four times the global average.

In Thailand, Mexico and Indonesia, mangroves are often cut down to make room for temporary shrimp pens. But once the pens have been removed, the accumulated biowaste renders the water too toxic for most forms of life.

Mangroves’ dense root systems inhibit the flow of tidal water and encourage the deposition of nutrient-rich sediments. But once lost, mangroves are very difficult to replant due to shifts in the very sediments the roots helped keep in place.

Conservation International is an active partner in the Global Mangrove Alliance, an organization of technical experts, policy makers and non-governmental organizations dedicated to promoting mangrove conservation and regrowth.

The Alliance’s strategy aims to increase the extent of global mangrove habitats by 20 percent by 2030, an ambitious target that will pay dividends for climate change mitigation, biodiversity and the well-being of coastal communities around the world.

Answered by sjsubisri

  1. mangroves are the only species of trees in the world that can tolerate salt water.
  2. the largest amount of mangrove coverage can found in Indonesia where mangroves trees covers of 23,000sq.km
  3. blue carbon ecosystem ( mangroves,seagrasses and salt marshes )can be upto 10times more efficient than terrestrial ecosystem at absorbing and storing carbon long term make a critical solution in the fight against climate change.
  4. mangroves are under threat nearly everywhere but the problem is particularly acute in Myanmar ,where the rate of deforestation is four times the global average.

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