English, asked by anujkapil1980, 7 months ago

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both,
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Where did the roads diverge?
Where did the one road lead to?
What does “yellow wood” stand for?​


Answered by hazelween


The roads diverged in the yellow woods.

He did not know where the road leads to . in the poem it is only written that the road bent in the undergrowth

Yellow woods stands for a woods《small forest》.The colour of the leaves and the grass is yellow .


The roads diverged in the yellow woods .

we don't know where the roads lead to .In the poem it is only written that they bent in the undergrowth which menas that seeing it from far away it looked like it was bent in grass,bushes,and shrubs.

Yellow woods stand for a small forest .the colour of the leaves and grass is yellow and we don't know the re6why as it is bot mentioned in the poem .It stands for a small yeelow forest.

plz Mark me as a brainly please .

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