types of singularities in complex analysis
In complex analysis, there are several classes of singularities .These include the isolated singularities ,the nonisolated singularties and the branch points
Some complex functions are analytic at all points of a bounded domain except at a finite number of points. These points are called singular points or singularities.
The point is called a singular point or singularities of the complex function f(z) if f(z) is not analytic at point but every neighborhood of is analytic.
e.g., the function is analytic for all value of z except . Thus is a singular point of .
Various types of singularities in complex analysis are discussed below:
Isolated Singularities:
A function is said to have an isolated singularity at if it is analytic in the deleted neighborhood of i.e., .
Thus if is an isolated singularities of then there is no other singularities in the neighborhood of .
Isolated singularities are of 3 types.
(i) Removable Singularities:
If the principal part of the Laurent series of a function at has no term, then is called a removable singularity.
e.g., is a removable singularity of
(ii) Pole:
If the principal part of the Laurent series of a function containing finite number of terms, then the singularity is called a pole.
e.g., is a pole of order 3 of
A pole of order 1 is called as single pole.
(iii) Essential Singularities:
If a function is expressed as Laurent series about and its principal part contains infinite number of terms then the singularity is called an essential singularity.
e.g., is an essential singularity of