Physics, asked by Aniket741, 1 year ago

under what condition does the electron moving through a magnetic field experience max. force ?
under what condition is the force acting on a charge moving through a uniform magnetic field min.
write 1 cond. under which an electric chage does not expereince the force in a magnetic field
how does the magnetic mioment of an electron in a circular orbit of radius'r' andmoving with a speed 'v' change when the frequency of revolution is doubled?


Answered by ajay2807
Force experienced by charged particle in uniform magnetic field:

F= QvBsin(a)

Q: Charge of the particle
v: velocity of the particle
B: Magnetic field
a: angle between v and B

For F to be max or min,
sin(a) must be 1 or 0 respectively.
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