unseen passage for class 9
Answer:A. Read the following Passage and answer the questions that follow 1 x 4 = 4
Good memory depends upon a good brain. The brain needs a good supply of Oxygen,Glucose,Calcium,Phosphorus and Iron. So make sure you sit in a well ventilated place when studying. Your diet should include milk,cheese,walnuts,wheat,green leafy vegetables,ragi and dates.Do not forget that “breakfast is the brain food”.Fatty meals,sugar and acids take away calcium from the system.Diets rich in fibre like fruits and vegetables help to reduce stress.
a. What does our brain need?
b. What should be included in our diet to have good memory?
c. Good Connections is important to improve the memory. (Say True of False)
d. Diet rich in fiber like fruits and vegetables help to reduce stress.(Say True of False)
B. Read the following Passage and answer the questions that follow 1 x 4 = 4
Mars is considered to be a sort of twin of our own planet earth. It is the next planet beyond the
earth in distance from the sun. The diameter of Mars is about half the diameter of the earth and it rotates around the sun in just under two years. But the Mars has a day that is almost equal in length to our day in here on earth.
In observing Mars, astronomers have noticed certain things that indicate that a form of life may
be possible there. First of all, Mars has seasons like the earth.In fact,as the season changes in the
Mars,there seems to be changes on its surface. The dark areas get stronger in the spring and summer, and the colour changes from bluish-green to yellow. Could this be vegetation?
a. The size of Mars is (Identify the right answer)
i. About half of earth.
ii. Half the diameter of the earth.
iii. Half the diameter of the Sun
b. How much time does Mars take to rotate around the Sun?
c. Mars has seasons like earth.(Say True of False)
d. Mars has a day that equals in length to our day here on earth.(Say True of False)
A. Read the following Passage and answer the questions that follow 1 x 4 = 4
Good memory depends upon a good brain. The brain needs a good supply of Oxygen,Glucose,Calcium,Phosphorus and Iron. So make sure you sit in a well ventilated place when studying. Your diet should include milk,cheese,walnuts,wheat,green leafy vegetables,ragi and dates.Do not forget that “breakfast is the brain food”.Fatty meals,sugar and acids take away calcium from the system.Diets rich in fibre like fruits and vegetables help to reduce stress.
a. What does our brain need?
b. What should be included in our diet to have good memory?
c. Good Connections is important to improve the memory. (Say True of False)
d. Diet rich in fiber like fruits and vegetables help to reduce stress.(Say True of False)
B. Read the following Passage and answer the questions that follow 1 x 4 = 4
Mars is considered to be a sort of twin of our own planet earth. It is the next planet beyond the
earth in distance from the sun. The diameter of Mars is about half the diameter of the earth and it rotates around the sun in just under two years. But the Mars has a day that is almost equal in length to our day in here on earth.
In observing Mars, astronomers have noticed certain things that indicate that a form of life may
be possible there. First of all, Mars has seasons like the earth.In fact,as the season changes in the
Mars,there seems to be changes on its surface. The dark areas get stronger in the spring and summer, and the colour changes from bluish-green to yellow. Could this be vegetation?
a. The size of Mars is (Identify the right answer)
i. About half of earth.
ii. Half the diameter of the earth.
iii. Half the diameter of the Sun
b. How much time does Mars take to rotate around the Sun?
c. Mars has seasons like earth.(Say True of False)
d. Mars has a day that equals in length to our day here on earth.(Say True of False)
another passage:
periods of history, to a variety of means for making their pupils learn. The earliest of these was the threat of punishment, which meant that the pupil who was slow, careless or inattentive risked either physical chastisement or the loss of some expected privilege or treat. Learning was thus to some extent, associated with fear, particularly in the minds of those who found certain subjects hard to master.
At a later period, pupils were encouraged to learn in the hope of some kind of reward. This often took the form of marks awarded daily or weekly for work done, and sometimes of prizes given at the end of each year to the best scholars. Such a system appealed to the competitive spirit, but it often had just as depressing an effect as the older system of punishment on the slow but willing pupil.
The two systems suggest that teachers felt that their pupils had to be either compelled or bribed to learn. In the nineteenth century, however, there sprang up a different type of teacher, passionately convinced that learning was worthwhile for its own sake, and that the young learner's principal stimulus should be neither anxiety to avoid a penalty nor ambition to win a reward, but sheer desire to learn.
Answer the following Question:-
1.Find the words from the passage of each year? which mean-
2.Who were given the prizes at the end
3.Which system sprang up in 19th century?
4.What did the two systems suggest?
5.What was the reward giving system' of education?
6.How were pupils encouraged at a later period?
7.To what was learning associated?
8.What do you mean by the threat of punishment?
9.What was the earliest variety of means for teaching young people?
10.Who have resorted in different periods of history?
sanskrit passage :
mark as brainliest...