Upsc importance of directive principles of state policy in indian constitution
part IV of the Indian constitution describes the directive principlea of state policy(DPSP). It contains 16 articles from act36-51. It lists a set of principles which are to guide the future policies of the state. The directive principles of state policy together constitute a manifesto for securing the socio-economic foundations of Indian democracy. It is designed as a supplementary part containing a list of socio-economic rights.
the importance or main features are:
1. it makes suitable policies and laws for the state and guide the tasks of policy making in India.
2. It guides the constitution and provide for a welfare state characterised by social, economic and political Justice. it is there to strengthen the social and economic health of Indian democracy.
3. This policy is regarded as the compass of the constitution. it explains the objectives contained in the preamble of the Indian constitution. it is the yardstick for measuring the worth of government.
4. It direct it's policy toward securing for the children opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner. it works both as a judge and lawyer for the constitution.
5. secures the participation of workers in the management of establishment engaged in any industry.
6. it guards the constitution and state by making suitable policies and necessary laws. it also enforces work for protecting and improving the environment and to safeguard the forests and wild life of the country.
7. it is helpful in the interpretation of the constitution. these reflect the philosophy of the constitution and hence provide useful help to the courts in their task of interpreting the constitution.
8. these principles are backed by public opinion and provide for a welfare state.
9. these are supplementary to the fundamental rights and a yardarick for measuring the worth of government. they provide for civil and political rights and freedoms. .
10. source of continuity in policies. these are indeed the nature of moral ideals. they constitute a moral code for the state.
11. ambiguity of the directive principles is useful. these have been couched in words which are not very rigid in their meanings. this ambiguity has been helpful in so far as it helps the state to interpret and apply these principles I'm accordance with the socio-economic environment which prevails at a given time.
I hope it helps u and worth answer to your question. thank you