Urgent!! jaldi batana pls.....
Full form of NADC in (geography)
Naval Air Development Center
give thanks to all my ans
Acronym Definition
NADC National Animal Disease Center (USDA)
NADC Nashville Auto-Diesel College
NADC Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission (Lincoln, NE)
NADC National Arts and Disability Center
NADC National Association of Drainage Contractors (UK)
NADC Non-AIDS Defining Cancer
NADC Naval Air Development Center
NADC North American Digital Cellular
NADC National Association of Demolition Contractors (Hillside, Illinois)
NADC National Asian Deaf Congress (San Diego, CA)
NADC National Animal Disease Centre
NADC National Antarctic Data Centre (New Zealand)
NADC North American Darts Championship
NADC North Atlantic Defense Coalition (gaming Cybernations)
NADC NATO Air Defense Committee
NADC National Association of Dredging Contractors
NADC Nederlandse Amateur Dansers Club
NADC Naval ASW Data Center